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Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring

Severe, itching skin rash associated with celiac disease.

Entry link: Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring


Glucose syrup is made from starch. Glucose syrup is used in foods to sweeten, soften texture and add volume. It is gluten-free, independently from the cereal/biological source it is made from.

Entry link: Dextrose


Antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptides, which are part of the gluten-protein. "Deamidated" means the body's own enzyme called tissue-transglutaminase has already chemically modified the original gliadin-structure.

Entry link: DGP


Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring.Severe, itchy skin rash associated with celiac disease.

Entry link: DH

Dizygotic twin

Twins that develop from two different egg cells. Another term is "non-identical twins" or "fraternal twins".

Entry link: Dizygotic twin

Double-blind placebo

A clinical trial or test involving human participants and testing a certain treatment or intervention in comparison to placebo. In order to avoid any subjective interpretation, neither the study investigators nor the investigated participant know who is getting which treatment. After all data have been collected and data analyses have been completed, de-blinding of the allocation to the intervention groups is done to see which treatment was more effective.

Entry link: Double-blind placebo

Down syndrome

Condition based on chromosomal abnormality as there are three copies of chromosme 21 instead of two. Some degree of intellectual disability, small stature, low muscle tone among with characteristic physical features (flat face, slanting eyes, small mouth with a protruding tongue etc.).

Entry link: Down syndrome


First part of the small intestine, important for absorption of different nutrients.

Entry link: Duodenum



Antibodies against endomysium.

Entry link: EMA


IgA class auto-antibodies against endomysium. Antibodies (=immunoglobulins) of class IgA against endomysium; this is a very specific blood marker for celiac disease, however it's not a standard parameter and the analysis needs to be performed by an experienced lab technician, therefore it is not available in all laboratories.

Entry link: EMA-IgA

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