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Preterm birth

Is the birth of a baby at fewer than 37 weeks gestational age.

Entry link: Preterm birth


Proteins are complex organic compounds, made up of chains of amino acids.

Entry link: Protein


Is an autoimmune disease characterized by red, itchy and scaly patches of skin. These patches may only cover certain parts or even the whole body. It is thought to be a genetic disease triggered by envrionmental factors, e.g. medication or stress. There is no cure, but the symptoms can be controlled.

Entry link: Psoriasis


Refractory sprue

If symptoms and signs of celiac disease do not resolve or re-occur although a strict gluten-free diet has been kept, healtcare professionals call this state refractory sprue.

Entry link: Refractory sprue


The period during which the symptoms/signs of a disease abate or subside.

Entry link: Remission


Softening of the bones in children, usually caused by vitamin D deficiency. It can result in frequent bone fractures and deformation of bones, for example bowed legs.

Entry link: Rickets


Virus that causes severe diarrhea, particularly in infants.

Entry link: Rotavirus



An anesthetic drug is injected to make the patient quiet or sleep.

Entry link: Sedation

Selective IgA deficiency

A primary immunodeficiency characterized by an undetectable level of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the blood and secretions, but no other immunoglobulin deficiencies. Immunoglobulin is another word for antibody.

Entry link: Selective IgA deficiency

Skin prick testing

A method to test for allergies by puncturing the skin with a needle and introducing a drop of diluted allergen. If a skin reaction appears, this may indicate that the body reacts allergic to the tested allergen.

Entry link: Skin prick testing

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